

Legal and ethical factors
A business may put itself at risk if it allows an agency representing them to ignore legal ramifications in the UK and Europe, it is illegal to pose as a customer when supplying online feedback – you will be surprised how many businesses are ignorant of this law. In the CHINA or US

Technology factors
The reach of broadband in the UK is very high, and mobile internet has expanded that reach even further.  This means more households have access to the internet and are better shopping online or e-business. 

Unfortunately politics can affect your eBusiness and the products you sell because politicians make the laws. So if the law changes regarding products that can be sold in the country you are shipping to or products that can be sold online, you will need to know and take appropriate action. In recent years these changes have been particularly significant because as members of the European Union we have to adopt directives and regulations created by the EU which then become part of UK law. Political changes are closely tied up with legal changes.

Economic factors
Most e-businesses online and off realise the effect this aspect has on their business now more than ever. Credit crunch, recession or whatever else the economists call it the world of business online and off is worried about what the future holds. Even in times of economic hardship you can find that you are making great returns on investment and just because the world is cutting back on its marketing it doesn’t mean you have to.

Social factors
Social networking has become massive in a very short period of time. Social awareness of the world’s environmental needs affects the products that many people buy. Online opinions change fast. The social effect on our e-business could be massive especially if you are in the e-business of consumer markets. Sell something online social networks that are attractive to your target audience.

